
Versión 1 (Emilio Penna, Lunes, 5 de Febrero de 2018 17:53:39 -0300)

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h1. IdPMobile
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h3. Referencias: 
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* (ver fragmentos en adjunto)
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h3. Linking a una aplicación movil:
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Ejemplos de uris que linkean a una aplicacion movil:
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* twitter://timeline
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* mobiledeeplinkingprojectdemo://product/123
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h3. Diagrama con posible interacción:
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#  app request protected (sp) page (open system browser)
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#  authn request to idp
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#  login page
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#  redirecct to protected page
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#  redirect to mobile app con token de aplicacion
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*Login handler*
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# recibe pedido GET en /login, con variables de entorno ya cargadas por SP shib
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# genera parametros, encripta/hmac en <token>. Ejemplo encode(ci+hmac)
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# redirige a app mobil, a myapp://init/<token>
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Luego, app mobil recibe parametros, verifica y genera sesion.
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(Si solo usa documento, podria no ser necesario get user info)
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Ideas para proteger el request:
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h ="OtxrzxIsfpFjA7SwPzILwy8Bw21TLhquhboDYROV",
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Note that we also url-encoded the result this time. This is because the output from the base64 algorithm is not suitable for use as a query string parameter, so we add an additional layer of armor to make it acceptable.
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